Graag introduceren we het eerste cohort dat heeft meegedaan aan de Health Innovation School.
![Rebecca Abma-Schouten](
Rebecca Abma-Schouten
Hartstichting![Caroline Baan](
Caroline Baan
RIVM en Tilburg University![Janno Barlage](
Janno Barlage
FysioHolland![Valentin Bejan](
Valentin Bejan
Momentum Mental Care (GGZ)![Ralph Bouman](
Ralph Bouman
Albert Schweitzer ziekenhuis“The Health Innovation School not only inspired me with stunning talks and exceptional examples, but really gave me the insights and hands-on tools on ‘ how to do’ innovation!”
![Atty Bruins](
Atty Bruins
Ministerie van VWS![Carla Cornuit](
Carla Cornuit
Inspectie voor Gezondheidszorg (IGZ)"Health innovation is starting with asking the target group what they want to change."
![Lilo Crasborn](
Lilo Crasborn
Medisch Coordinerend Centrum Omnes"'Elke dag een beetje beter' helpt ons niet meer om onze gezondheidszorg duurzaam te maken. Het moet echt anders! HIS is energiebom van verhalen, methoden, inzichten en maten om jouw bijdrage te kunnen leveren!"
![Judith De Boer](
Judith De Boer
Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit![Lianne de Groot](
Lianne de Groot
STMR"HIS is inspiring, let thinking You there is no box and raise the innovation-rebel inside You!"
![Monique Dings](
Monique Dings
Maxima Medisch Centrum"HIS brengt je terug naar waar het om gaat: de patient. HIS brengt je verder met inzichten en 'Zin'. HIS steunt je in je eigen reis door lef en praktische tools."
![Linda Dul-Kortlever](
Linda Dul-Kortlever
Centrale Huisartsenposten Rijnmond & Hogeschool Rotterdam"Een aaneenschakeling van ‘Aha-momenten’ overgoten met een flinke dosis inspiratie."
![Geneviève Ector](
Geneviève Ector
Radboudumc![Robert Greene](
Robert Greene
HungerNdThirst Foundation![Jordi Hartemink](
Jordi Hartemink
Menzis“Feel the energy of innovation, feel the energy of others and get the energy to make the world better!”
![Ineke Hazelzet](
Ineke Hazelzet
Stichting IKONE“Zorg en innovatie beginnen en eindigen voor, met en door de patiënt samen voor, met en door die ander... English: Health and innovation start and end for, with and by the patient together for, with and by the other one... ”
![André Hermsen](
André Hermsen
Sensire Medisch Service Center"De rebel innoveert het beste samen met anderen!"
![Linda Heutink](
Linda Heutink
Siza“Due to the Health Innovation School I no longer think of innovation but innovation is mine and present. The strength of joined creativity, joy and wisdom became very apparent through the HIS and in team 9. The HIS gave me a hugh boost to get in contact with my initial motives to deliver good care.”
![Chalmer Hoynck Van Papendrecht](
Chalmer Hoynck Van Papendrecht
Bernhoven“Health innovation begins to answer the question: for whom did we start working in the health system, and gives us the tools to escape from the boundaries of the system and encounter our patients as human beings.”
![Menno Jansen](
Menno Jansen
CZ“The Health Innovation school is a great example of “Practice what you Preach”; get the whole system in the room and together connect, inspire and co-create the “new normal” in the healthcare system!”
![Marlieke Janssen ten Haaf](
Marlieke Janssen ten Haaf
De Hart&Vaatgroep![Xenia Kuiper](
Xenia Kuiper
Philadelphia Zorg"The Health Innovation School made me realise what patient centered system innovation really is. It’s deleting all your own paradigm and shifting all your thoughts, feelings and empathies to the point of the patient. If you feel like you’ll never wish to be in their shoes, you are ready to bring solutions to the bone!"
![Benjamin Livestro](
Benjamin Livestro
Novo Nordisk![Margo Lutke Holzik-Graatsma](
Margo Lutke Holzik-Graatsma
LUMC![Iris Manders](
Iris Manders
Kentalis"HIS: Connect with others who have the same passion for pushing up the bounderies of Healthcare. Learn, inspire and laugh"
![Ferry Nagel](
Ferry Nagel
Zorginstituut Nederland"At the HIS we embrace uncertainty and welcome failure to implement the future today!"
![Paul Offringa](
Paul Offringa
De Friesland Zorgverzekeraar![Chris Peters](
Chris Peters
Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis"The Health Innovation School provides both the tools and the inspiration to shake up the health system!"
![Michel Saleh](
Michel Saleh
![Marlies Sloover](
Marlies Sloover
Ministerie van VWS"Ik ben voor ons project op plekken geweest waar ik zonder de HIS nooit gekomen was en heb daar mensen ontmoet die ik anders nooit tegengekomen was. Heel waardevol."
![Robbert Smet](
Robbert Smet
Philips![Marieke Soree](
Marieke Soree
RealHealth Sint Maartenskliniek“Great programme: great insights, tools and network. Great energy to create THE mindset to innovate! If you want to learn what you can DO to innovate the healthcare system for patients; this is a must do!”
![Christie Steenbakker](
Christie Steenbakker
WVO Zorg“The Health Innovation School makes the innovator-spark inside you ignite into an eternal flame! My biggest insight: Use the heart and the head to reach your goal in Health Innovation.”
![Christian Vader](
Christian Vader
St. Anna Zorggroep"HIS challenges you to challenge the status quo!"
![Karine van 't Land](
Karine van 't Land
Stichting ZuidZorg"Health innovation is about human strength and human dignity. We aim to promote the system, structures or technology to foster the strength and dignity of all involved."
![Anja Van Deijk](
Anja Van Deijk
Stichting Reinaerde en stichting Amerpoort![Marleen van den Berg](
Marleen van den Berg
RVO"What is your contribution to the transformation of the Dutch healthcare system? HIS will bring you the answer!"
![Paola van den Noordt](
Paola van den Noordt
RIBW Brabant“De Health Innovation School geeft prachtige en inspirerende nieuwe inzichten, gemixte beschikbare expertises en praktische tools voor changemakers. It's not only an innovation , it's a movement!”
![Rob van der Vloed](
Rob van der Vloed
Lentis“The whole healthcare system around the table; patients central, a wide range of inspiring experts and human centered design knowledge put into practice. Healthcare innovation innovated!”
![Eveline van Eck](
Eveline van Eck
GGD West-Brabant"HIS: not only a school, it is a movement!"
![Thijs van Exel](
Thijs van Exel
Kennisland“If you’re not satisfied with the pace and direction of innovation in health and care and feel that there’s no better way to change this than by learning and working on health innovation with the world’s best -- Then the Health Innovation School will be your place.”
![Erik Jan van Lieshout](
Erik Jan van Lieshout
University of Amsterdam Academic Medical Center"The Dutch Health Innovation School innovates one of the best healthcare systems in the world by raising rebels and being truly human centered."
![Frank van Noort](
Frank van Noort
Abena Healthcare"The Health Innovation School inspired me in my work to dig deeper into the real motives and needs of patients in order to come with strong innovations that truely fit these needs. The teamwork with the innovators of Team 9 was joyful and motivating and showed me what amazing things can be done by people with different backgrounds.”
![Claudia van Opstal](
Claudia van Opstal
Radboudumc"Het is altijd tijd om te innoveren met in je HIS rugzak kennis, kunde en rebelsheid."
![Chantal Van Spaendonck](
Chantal Van Spaendonck
Stichting Care Innovation Center West-Brabant![Susan Vrijkotte](
Susan Vrijkotte
Zorggroep Solis“Also feeling a bit of a stranger? Welcome! At the HIS we call you a REBEL and quess what? Your not alone this time!”
![Erwin Vroom](
Erwin Vroom
Stimenz"Nieuwe kennis en ervaring voor innovatietrajecten opgedaan, veel inspiratie, gelijkgestemden ontmoeten en super organisatie achter HIS"
![Maaike Wijnhoud](
Maaike Wijnhoud
Ministerie van VWS![Ernst-Jan Wind](
Ernst-Jan Wind
St. Zuilen / Ondiep GEZond“Just do it! It’s me! and it’s you! that can scale up innovation. The health innovation school motivates me not to wait but start a social movement, mobilise people and make innovation happen.”
![Isar Wulffaert](
Isar Wulffaert
Family Doctor"A river needs water to flow, a tree needs sun to grow, so don't be a fool, every country needs a Health Innovation School!"